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Spider-Man is capable of crawling on walls and ceilings. He has conscious control over this ability, and it is simple and instinctive for him to use—he first uses it in Amazing Fantasy #15 before realizing he has the ability. Originally, Spider-Man is able to stick to surfaces using only his hands and feet, but later he is shown to be able to cling with his back.

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Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Magical forces could also explain how Spider-Man is able to psychically detect threats such as whether or not a person has a gun or if he is being followed. However, after Ezekiel’s death, Peter has chosen not to pursue this line of thought any further, noting that science and magic can be essentially two sides of the same coin, and reasoning that his scientific background has helped him for so long that there is no reason for him to shift focus.

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Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Though this was never proven, Spider-Man has been tied to mystical forces before such as when he was mentioned in an ancient prophecy in connection to the sorcerer Dr. Strange and when the cosmic beings Lord Order and Master Chaos claimed credit for Peter Parker being the one bitten by the spider.

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Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Ezekiel, who shares similar spider abilities (gained through an arcane ritual), makes Peter question the source of his powers, implying a mystical reason the spider chose to bite him, suggesting that the spider would have given him powers even without being exposed to radiation (Although Peter has noted that the radiation did slightly change the mutative effects that the spider had on his system).

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Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Spider-Man is still vulnerable to disease, and has fallen ill due to flu many times,which affects the reliability of his powers. He also has certain susceptibility towards ethyl chloride, which is a commonly used pesticide against insects and arachnids. This chemical is used frequently as a weapon in Spider-Slayer robots.

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Buy quality iron spider costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


However, during a visit to an eye specialist, it is revealed that Spider-Man is already healing only hours after being blasted. After about 2 days, Spider-Man’s eyesight has recovered to perfection and his 20/20 vision is restored, although his eyes are sensitive for about a day after, shown when Carrion flashed a bright light in his face. Afterwards, his eyes are completely healed.

iron spiderman costume

Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Spider-Man is capable of healing injuries faster and more extensively than ordinary humans, though it is considerably inferior to the healing abilities of individuals such as Wolverine or The Hulk. However, Spider-Man is capable of healing from injuries as severe as broken bones within a matter of hours. During a battle with a villain called the Masked Marauder, Spider-Man is rendered completely blind.

iron spiderman costume

Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Spider-Man’s overall metabolic efficiency has been greatly increased, and the composition of his skeleton, connective tissues, muscles, and nervous system has all been enhanced. Originally, Peter Parker wore glasses, but after the spider bite, his vision became 20/20, allowing him to see perfectly after his spectacles were broken by Flash Thompson.

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Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Instead of radioactive venom, the bite would have to carry a powerful retro virus (similar to HIV) that would spread through the body by taking over neighboring cells and actually becoming ingrained in the person’s DNA. They illustrated this by showing the results of an experiment where glow genes from deep sea Jelly fish were introduced into the embryos of lab mice. The resulting mice were born with the glow gene as a part of their own DNA and glowed light green whenever an ultraviolet light was shone on them.

iron spiderman costume

Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Several biologists on the History Channel’s Spider-Man Tech stated the effect of a radioactive spider bite (if any) would not be nearly enough to cause a mutation in a human body. However, they said the use of “genetically engineered” spiders from the live-action movie and the Ultimate continuity was more plausible.