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When he is temporarily blinded, Spider-Man learns to emulate this ability and navigate without his eyesight. Even under normal conditions, his spider-sense helps him navigate darkened rooms, instinctively avoiding obstacles or hazards, or potentially noisy or unstable floorboards, walls or ceilings that may betray his presence. In one comic, he is shown sensing how many fingers Mary Jane is holding up.



iron spider costume

Buy quality iron spider costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


It appears to be a simultaneous, seemingly clairvoyant response to a wide variety of phenomena. Though the exact mechanism of this ability is unknown, (though in The Amazing Spider-Man #1, he refers to it as an instinctive ability) his original spider-sense clearly has at least two aspects in addition to sensing potential or immediate danger:
A psychological awareness of his surroundings, similar to the radar-sense of Daredevil.

iron spider costume

Buy quality iron spider costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Spider-Man’s “spider-sense” manifests in a tingling feeling at the base of his skull, alerting him to personal danger in proportion to the severity of that danger. For instance, a little tingling such as a happenstance passing by of an enemy would prompt Peter to be alert, while a strong tingling, sometimes to the point of being painful, is interpreted as a need to take immediate evasive action on a deadly threat.

iron spider costume

Buy quality iron spider costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Spider-Man’s five primary senses are above average perception, though not superhuman, as a result of his spider powers. Before gaining his abilities Peter Parker required corrective lenses to see properly.After the “Disassembled” and “The Other” storylines, Spider-Man gains the ability to feel vibrations and currents in the air or in his web lines, much like a real spider (though this aspect of his powers may no longer be present within the comics – see below). This ability is also used in the 2012 film The Amazing Spider-Man.

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Buy quality iron spider costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


His tendons and connective tissues are at least twice as elastic as the average human being’s. This ability is often demonstrated by the unusual poses Spider-Man would assume while webslinging or dodging enemy attacks. Also, as an outcome of his spider-reflexes, Peter has developed his own fighting style.
Sense perceptions

iron spider costume

Buy quality iron spider costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Spider-Man has the ability to maintain his equilibrium on any surface that he can stick to. For example, he can balance on one finger on a high wire, or stand upright on a wall, his body parallel to the ground. Additionally, he is able to flex his body like a contortionist, assuming postures that would be impossible or harmful for most normal humans.

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Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Due to the events of “The Other,” his reflexes are increased further, responding directly to his spider-sense and instinct that can result in him lashing out at negligible threats. During the “Grim Hunt” storyline, he was able to dodge a bullet fired from a hunting rifle at point blank range, and the story implies that Spider-Man’s exceptional speed in that situation was a result of the intense grief and rage he was feeling at the time.

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Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Spider-Man’s agility and reflexes are far superior to those of an ordinary human, even those that represent the peak of human conditioning such as Captain America. The speed of his reflexes combined with his spider-sense allows him to dodge almost any attack, even gunfire at point blank.

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Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Spider-Man can leap several stories vertically or the width of a city street.While his running speed has never been definitely established, he can run at superhuman speed for short sprints and has been shown to be easily capable of overtaking fast-moving cars, but nearly always prefers using his weblines to travel.

iron spiderman costume

Buy quality iron spiderman costume at the lowest price. is a professional costumes online store, we offers a large selection of costumes and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


For example, Spider-Man can be injured by bullets or knives composed of conventional material and from impacts of sufficient force. However, if injured, his accelerated metabolism is capable of repairing itself many times faster than an ordinary human. A doctor has told Spider-Man that it would be impossible for a normal man to survive the punishment that he has endured.